Thursday, October 26, 2006

ApplicationSettingsBase in .NET 2.0

The new namespace called System.Configuration and a class in that namespace called ApplicationSettingsBase that will be your new friend when dealing with this issue.

Before we dive into this topic more, a word here from experience with this class - it's remarkably easy and convienent to use as long as you take a few extra steps yourself. I don't give the issue of creating settings a moments thought anymore since this class was released in .NET 2.0.

Now, let's see why...

The first conundrum that a developer faces (and has always faced) when dealing with settings is where to put the data that needs persisting. In the Win32 world and even .NET 1.x, it was common to resort to the in-famous Registry to store application data. You basically have a choice - store it in the per-user area (Current User), or the per-machine area (Local Machine). The latter has additional restrictions in that you need read/write access to the registry keys that you want to edit there and a low rights user account may not have such access. It also can be problematic since there is one set of data there for all users which can complicate data that needs to be per-user.

The Registry also has another glaring deficiency (besides being easily corrupted and hard to edit) - there is no support for format changes to the data being stored. Imagine v1.0 of your glorious application shipped and had several setting entries. A few months go by and you ready v1.1 to ship to customers. You found the need to add some entries to your set and remove a few. You also decide to store these entries in a different registry subfolder. It's pretty much left to you to spend time writing a conversion/migration routine. Even worse, as versions of your application proliferate, you have to continue to update that conversion code to handle everything back to v1.0 so that any stragglers in your user base and get up to your latest version.

What a pain.

This is a place the Microsoft thought long and hard about when they devised ApplicationSettingsBase (which rumor has it derived from some excellent work done in the Microsoft Patterns & Practices group in the famous code "blocks"). ApplicationSettingsBase is one of those swiss army knives that allows a developer to handle how settings are stored, or leave it to the class to handle it on behalf of the developer. The latter is by far the most common and likely approach for most teams. Why spend time writing plumbing code when you can leave it to Microsoft? By default, ApplicationSettingsBase generates a .config file containing the settings stored in a XML format and stored deep down in the MyDocuments area. It's a known safe place to store application and user data and all users will have access to their own MyDocuments area.

Round three on managing settings in a .NET 2.0 application using System.Configuration. ApplicationSettingsBase. We're now at the point of talking about how this class supports migration of settings within your project.

The challenge with any implementation of application settings is how to manage the evolution of those settings over time. You may find the need to add, remove, update and adjust settings as time passes and your application evolves. Using the default storage provider in .NET 2.0, ApplicationSettingsBase writes out the settings and their values into an XML file similiar to app.config but called user.config. Your next question undoubtably is "where does .NET put this file?".

The answer is fascinating.

First, you have to remember that since settings are likely to be per-user based items, they need to go someplace guaranteed to be accessible to even a user with a low rights account (ie. User security group). The stipulated location for this kind of information is the "Documents and Settings" folder typically found in the root of your C: drive. This is also where the MyDocuments folder is located. However, ApplicationSettingsBase doesn't store (by default) its data in MyDocuments. It chose instead to place this information in Local Settings\Application Data. These is a sibling folder to MyDocuments and is intended for per-user data that is non-roaming (ie that is computer dependent).

As an aside, if you regularly deal with issues such as where to place files, what folders you should use for specific purposes, how to respond to environmental changes in the operating system, etc, I highly recommend getting a copy of Microsoft's Designed for Windows XP spec v2.3 which is in Word document format. This handy little tome will help you resolve and dispense with the interminable discussions that sometimes take place among developers trying to decide these issues.

Back to ApplicationSettingsBase. Although the Local Settings\Application Data folder is used, ApplicationSettingsBase doesn't stop there. It proceeds to create a sub folder named with the name of the company assigned to your application EXE file properties. If the name has spaces, those are substituted with underscores. Not sure why Microsoft does this, but they do. Next, the class creates a sub folder under the company name folder with the name of your EXE plus a bunch of ugly looking characters you can think of as a unique identifier of sorts. In this folder, it creates yet another sub folder with the version of your EXE. In that folder goes the user.config with your settings. It's important to note that the version number includes the full version number down to the build and revision octets.

Each time you build your application (by default) Visual Studio .NET 2005 helpfully updates your version number (actually build number)incrementing it each time. When this happens, ApplicationSettingsBase will automatically create a new sub folder in that location I described earlier with the new version number. Over time as you develop an application on a machine, you can end up with hundreds or thousands of these little sub folders each containing a version of the user.config file that existed for that build.

Now for the really interesting (and helpful) part.

When ApplicationSettingsBase is created when your application runs, it offers (but doesn't require) the ability to migrate older settings values to the new structure using ApplicationSettingsBase.Upgrade(). This is one of those auto-magical methods that makes your life as a .NET developer really sweet. This method will upgrade and copy values from an older build/version of your application into the new user.config. So you don't lose settings between builds and neither do your users. Which will make them very happy indeed.


Anonymous said...

How do u people create getter setter properties in bulk in C#?? Can u pls explain in detail?

Vishal Sharma said...


Could you please explain me in detail what you are upto?

Anonymous said...

How to create an MSI using .net setup project for a web site such that it will be deployed in a new web site (not Default Web Site) and the web should run in new Application Pool (not DefaultAppPool). ???

Anonymous said...

Hey Love why don't u answer my questions??

Raj Kumar Sharma said...

Hey Vishal,
Your blog is very good.
Keep it up yaar.