Monday, July 31, 2006

Asynchronous Task

Asp .Net 2.0 give different way of executing task Asynchronous out of which one way is Registering AsynTask method.
RegisterAsyncTask is an alternative way to execute task asynchronously in Asp.Net page.RegisterAsyncTask is an API that is,to some exten,independent from asynchronous pages.In fact, it also work when the Async attributes of the @Page directive is set to false.Combined with asynchronous pages,though,it forms an extemely powerful programming model for lengthly operations.
You can use RegisterAsyncTask to register one or more asynchronous tasks.Tasks start when the page reach the async point- that is, immediately after the preRender event.

void Page_Load(object sender,EventArgs e)
PageAsyncTask task = new PageAsyncTask (new BeginEventHandler(BeginTask),new EndEventHadler(EndTask),null,null);

To call RegisterAsyncTask, you need to first create an instance of the PageAsyncTask class.The Constructor accepts up to five parameters
PageAsyncTask let you specify a timeout function and an optional flag to enable multiple registered tasks to execute in parallel.

The timeout delegate indicate the method that will get called if the task is not completed within the aysnchronous timeout interval.By default,an asynchronous task time out if not completed within 45 seconds.You can indicate a different timeout in either the configuration file or the @Page directive.Here's what you need if you opt for the web.config file

The @Page directive contains an integer AsynTimeout attribute that you set to the desire number of seconds.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Customized display of collection data in a PropertyGrid

If you assign array in PropertyGrid ,you'll see that propertyGrid display all the objects contained within that array.
for e.g
- Person

An object may provide custom information about itself by implementing an interface ICustomTypeDescriptor. This interface can be used to provide dynamic type information. This is the case for a Collection object to return its content appearing as properties in a PropertyGrid

If ICustomTypeDescriptor is not used, then a static TypeDescriptor will be used at runtime, which provides type information based on the meta data obtained via reflection.

TypeConverters can also be used for more complex objects, such as classes, where the properties can be exposed at design-time. One of the ways to achieve this is through the ExpandableObjectConverter class. This class is a TypeConverter that creates a plus/minus sign box that can expand/contract the group of properties within that class.

Public Class HighlightingTypeConverter : ExpandableObjectConverter

Than you can override ConvertFrom and ConvertTo function . ConvertFrom Converts string to Highlighting class object and ConvertTo Converts highlighting class object to string value.

public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context,
CultureInfo culture, object value)

public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context,
CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType)

What is most important in ConvertFrom is that the value is converted to a string array by using the Split() method to break apart the string. We've defined the "@" character as a separator for the text. It can be a single character, multiple characters, or different characters separating each field.

string[] strValues = value.ToString().Split("@".ToCharArray())

Then you can assign this splited value to the properties of your class

ButtonAttribute btnsettings = new ButtonAttribute ();
TypeConverter typeColor;
typeColor= TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Color));
btnsettings .BackColor = (Color)cvColor.ConvertFrom(context, culture,
strValues [0]);
return btnsettings;

and in case ConvertTo you have to convert the value into object.

ButtonAttribute btnsettings =(ButtonAttribute)value;
TypeConverter cvInt;
cvInt = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(int));
TypeConverter cvColor;
cvColor = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Color));
// Create the string
string[] parts = new string[NumOfMembers];
parts[0] = (string)cvColor.ConvertTo(settings.BackColor, typeof(string));
parts[1] = (string)cvColor.ConvertTo(settings.ForeColor, typeof(string));
return String.Join(culture.TextInfo.ListSeparator, parts);

return base.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType);

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Internal Structur of the GAC

The Purpose of GAC is to maintain relationship between a strongly named assembly and a subdirectory. Basically, the CLR has an internal function that take an assembly's name,version,culture,and public key token. This function then return the path of a subdirectory where the specified assembly's file can be found.
If you go to the command propmt and change to the %SystemRoot%\Assembly directory, you'll see the GAC actually spans multiple subdirectories. On my machine, I see the fo;;owing GAC-related directories:

The c:\windows\Assembly\GAC directory contains the assemblies that were created for versions 1.0 and 1.1 of the CLR.These assemblies may contains entirely of managed code(IL), or the assemblies may contain managed and native x86 code.

The c:\windows\Assembly\GAC_MSIL directory contains the assemblies that were created for version 2.0 of the CLR.These assemblies consits entirely managed code.Assemblies in this subdirectory can run in a 32-bit or 64-bit address space therefore, they can rn on a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows.

The c:\windows\Assembly\GAC_32 directory contains the assemblies that were created for version 2.0 of the CLR.These assemblies contain managed code as well as native x86 code.Assemblies in this subdirectory are allowed to run only in a 32-bit address space and therefore, they can run on an x86 version of windows or using the Windows On Windows64
technology running on a 64-bit version of windows.

The c:\windows\Assembly\GAC_64 directory contains the assemblies that were created for version 2.0 of the CLR. These assemblies contain managed code as well as native x64 code. Assemblies in this subdirectory are allowed to run on in a 64-bit address space,and therefore, they can run only on on a 64-bit version of windows.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

NEW Modules & Handlers in Asp net 2.0

In ASP.NET, requests are passed from the Web server through an Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) filter and on to the actual ASP.NET runtime

When IIS receives a request, the extension is mapped to an ISAPI filter according to the IIS settings. The extensions .aspx, .asmx, .asd, and others are mapped to the aspnet_isapi.dll which is simply an ISAPI filter that launches the ASP.NET runtime. Once a request hits the ASP.NET runtime, it starts at the HttpApplication object, which acts as the host for the ASP.NET Web application. The HttpApplication object:

  1. Reads the machine and application level configuration files
  2. Passes the request through one or more HttpModule instances. Each HttpModule provides a service such as session maintenance, authentication or profile maintenance. These modules pass the request back to the HttpApplication.
  3. Passes the request to an HttpHandler based on the verb and the path. The verb refers to the HTTP verb used in the request (GET, POST, FTP, etc.) and the path refers to a URL within the application. Depending on how the handlers are configured, the request may be processed as an ASP.NET page (System.Web.UI.Page is an implementation of IHttpHandler), or the request may trigger another action such as batch-compilation of all Web pages (precompilation.asd triggers the PrecompHandler).

In ASP.NET 2.0, this model stays intact. However several new modules and handlers have been added to provide additional services. As with ASP.NET 1.x, you can extend, replace or reconfigure any of the module or handler classes in order to provide your own custom functionality.

New Modules
Naturally, new HttpModules have been added to support the new services offered in ASP.NET 2.0. Specifically, an ASP.NET application with default module settings will include new modules for:
SessionID—The session identification mechanism has been split off the ASP.NET 1.x Session module in order to provide greater control over cookies, URL rewriting and other forms of session ID generation.
Role Management—A new module has been added for providing role based services in support of the new user identification mechanisms. This module helps link ASP.NET applications to the role based security built into the .NET framework.
Anonymous Identification—The new personalization features support anonymous users. This module helps keep track of which features an anonymous user can access and how these features are maintained between requests.
Profile Management—The profile module links to the new profile service and helps provide user specific persistent data storage.

New Handlers
In addition to the new modules, ASP.NET 2.0 introduces new handlers to support the application configuration tools and other new features such as the batch compilation request. The most important of the new handlers include the ".axd" family which process Website administration requests. These handlers launch the internal administration tools that allow developers to configure ASP.NET users as well as other settings. The administrative handlers include:
Web Administration—The WebAdminHandler is the main page for the administrative Website. This handler provides the starting point for administering ASP.NET 2.0 Web applications.
Trace—The ASP.NET 1.x TraceHandler has been improved and is the only "axd" handler that was available in ASP.NET 1.x.
Web Resources—Web resources can now be configured post-deployment thanks to the new administrative tool and the WebResourcesHandler.
Cached Images—The CachedImageServiceHandler provides support for caching graphical components.
Precompile—As mentioned earlier, the PrecompHandler can be used to batch compile all of the ASPX pages in an ASP.NET application.
Web Part Export—The WebPartExportHandler provides support for storing and transferring Web Part layouts. Web Parts are a new mechanism for personalizing the look and contents of a portal style Web application.
As always, the HttpForbiddenHandler is linked to any file type that should never be returned. In ASP.NET 2.0, the list of forbidden file types has been expanded to include master pages, skin files and other new developer components

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Code Access Security

This installment of .NET Nuts & Bolts is part one of a two-part series exploring code access security and how it is controlled by the Microsoft .NET Framework. The Microsoft .NET Framework includes a number of security features that assist you in developing secure applications. The security system, which is a fundamental part of the common language runtime (CLR), controls execution of .NET code. It includes handy features such as the following:Type safety enforcement, which eliminates the potential for buffer overruns Arithmetic error trapping, which detects the potential for underflows and overflows In addition, the .NET Framework provides the concept of evidence-based security. Evidence-based security works on top of the security provided by the operating system. For example, it works on top of Win32 security but is not a replacement for Win32 security. While Win32 is based on the user, the evidence-based security is based on the assembly. It gathers and presents information (or evidence) about the assembly to the security system, which then determines whether or not to allow the code to execute. For example, if code tries to read a file during execution, the security system verifies that the assembly has the required permissions and either grants access or throws a SecurityException.Evidence about an assembly can be controlled and influenced through things like strongly named assemblies, Authenticode signatures, or other custom information. Evidence is mapped to permissions through security policies, which rely on permission sets, code groups, and policy levels (enterprise, machine, and user settings) to achieve the mapping. Policies can be deployed throughout your organization through the Active Directory, but this discussion doesn't get into the specifics of that.

.NET has two kinds of security:

  1. Role Based Security
  2. Code Access Security

The Common Language Runtime (CLR) allows code to perform only those operations that the code has permission to perform. So CAS is the CLR's security system that enforces security policies by preventing unauthorized access to protected resources and operations. Using the Code Access Security, you can do the following:

  1. Restrict what your code can do
  2. Restrict which code can call your code
  3. Identify code

Code Access Security consists of following item

  1. Permissions
  2. Permissions Sets
  3. Code Groups
  4. Evidence
  5. Policy


Permissions represent access to a protected resource or the ability to perform a protected operation. The .NET Framework provides several permission classes, like FileIOPermission (when working with files), UIPermission (permission to use a user interface), SecurityPermission (this is needed to execute the code and can be even used to bypass security) etc.

Permission sets
A permission set is a collection of permissions. You can put FileIOPermission and UIPermission into your own permission set and call it "My_PermissionSet". A permission set can include any number of permissions. FullTrust, LocalIntranet, Internet, Execution and Nothing are some of the built in permission sets in .NET Framework. FullTrust has all the permissions in the world, while Nothing has no permissions at all, not even the right to execute.

Code groups
Code group is a logical grouping of code that has a specified condition for membership. Code from can belong to one code group, code containing a specific strong name can belong to another code group and code from a specific assembly can belong to another code group. There are built-in code groups like My_Computer_Zone, LocalIntranet_Zone, Internet_Zone etc. Like permission sets, we can create code groups to meet our requirements based on the evidence provided by .NET Framework. Site, Strong Name, Zone, URL are some of the types of evidence.

Security policy is the configurable set of rules that the CLR follows when determining the permissions to grant to code. There are four policy levels - Enterprise, Machine, User and Application Domain, each operating independently from each other. Each level has its own code groups and permission sets.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

DataBinding in VS2003

In the .Net Framework, any object that implements the IList interface can be data provider.
This not onlyt inludes ADO.Net object, such as DataSet,DataView,DataTable, but also more mundane objects such as array or collection.
In previous Data Access technologies, a cursor was used to manage data currency. As the cursor moved,the current record changed and bound control were updates.Because Data access in Ado.Net is fundamentally disconnected, there is no concept of a database cursor Rather, each data source has an associated CurrencyManager that keeps track of the current record.CurrencyManager objects are managed through a form's BindingContext object.
The CurrencyManager objects keeps track of the current record for a particular data source. There can be multiple datasource in an application at one time,and each datasource maintain its own CurrencyManager.
You can use PositionChanged event of the CurrencyManager to disable back and forward buttons when the end of the record list is reached.

For e.g

public void onPositionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(this.BindingContext[DataSet1.Customers].Position == 0)
BackButton.Enabled = false;
if(this.BindingContext[DataSet1.Customers].Position == DataSet1.Tables["Customers"].Rows.Count -1)
ForwardButton.Enabled = false;

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


CAPTCHA an acronym for "completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart" trademarked by Carnegie Mellon University) is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to determine whether or not the user is human

Since the early days of the Internet, users have wanted to make text illegible to computers. The first such people were hackers, posting about sensitive topics to online forums they thought were being automatically monitored for keywords. To circumvent such filters, they would replace a word with look-alike characters. HELLO could become -3__() or )-(3££0, as well as numerous other variants, such that a filter could not possibly detect all of them. This later became known as "13375p34k" (leetspeak).
The first discussion of automated tests which distinguish humans from computers for the purpose of controlling access to web services appears in a 1996 manuscript of Moni Naor from the Weizmann Institute of Science, entitled "Verification of a human in the loop, or Identification via the Turing Test". Primitive CAPTCHAs seem to have been later developed in 1997 at AltaVista by Andrei Broder and his colleagues in order to prevent bots from adding URLs to their search engine. Looking for a way to make their images resistant to OCR attack, the team looked at the manual to their Brother scanner, which had recommendations for improving OCR's results (similar typefaces, plain backgrounds, etc.). The team created puzzles by attempting to simulate what the manual claimed would cause bad OCR recognition. In 2000, von Ahn and Blum developed and publicized the notion of a CAPTCHA, which included any program that can distinguish humans from computers. They invented multiple examples of CAPTCHAs, including the first CAPTCHAs to be widely used (at Yahoo!).

Some Implementation bugs
Some poorly designed CAPTCHA protection systems can be bypassed without using OCR simply by re-using the session ID of a known CAPTCHA image.[3] Sometimes, if part of the software generating the CAPTCHA is client-sided (the validation is done on a server but the text that the user is required to identify is rendered on the client side), then users can modify the client to display the unrendered text, etc.

For More Detail how to do it in Asp.Net 2.0
See this link

Monday, July 03, 2006

My Experience in Windows Form

Hi I believe
working in window form is much easier than working in web forms.